Labels for Safety, Visuals and Facility ID Desktop Printers
Labels for Product, Wire and Lab ID Benchtop Printers
Labels for Safety, Visuals and Facility ID Desktop Printers
Labels for Product, Wire and Lab ID Benchtop Printers
Safety and Facility ID Desktop Printers
Product, Wire and Lab ID Benchtop Printers
Barcode Scanner and Printer Kits
Barcode Scanner and Printer Kits
PaintStripe Floor Marking Stencils
Valve Lockouts & Hose Lockouts
Group Lock Boxes & Permit Control
Brady Safety Lockout Tagout Services
Pipe Marker Accessories & Mounting Brackets
Maintenance and Production Tags
Calculators and Assessment Tools
Product Finders and Data Sheets
High Visibility absorbents feature bright safety yellow and green coloring to draw attention to a potential hazard and provide messaging at the point of need. Ideal in areas with a high risk of slips, trips and falls to alert employees to potential danger. Surfactant-treated, brightly colored absorbent picks up a wide range of aggressive chemicals while remaining chemically inert. Chemical absorbents pads and rolls are an ideal spill response for chemicals like: citric acid, hydrofluoric acid, sodium hydroxide and many other chemicals.
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